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Top YouTube Video Ad Questions

Q: Why should I advertise with videos? Can’t I just stick with text and display ads?

A: You can, of course, stay with running text or display ad formats.  Indeed, video ads aren’t a good fit for all businesses. And not all advertisers will have the budget to create video assets and run video ad campaigns.  However, for many businesses, video ads is a great choice.  For example, videos are especially good at showcasing new products. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million. Videos are also lauded for their ability to grab and hold attention.  Videos are also popular among younger generations. So if your product is geared towards millennials, for example, video advertising might be a good fit.

There’s also no disputing the audience size for YouTube. It’s ranked the second largest search engine after Google. It’s simply too big to ignore!

Q: Does YouTube have its own advertising network?

A: Not technically.  YouTube ads are managed through your Google Ads account. (YouTube is a Google Ads property, purchased in 2006.)  YouTube is technically considered a partner of the Search Network. But in practice, it operates like a “video only” equivalent of (after all, it has its own search engine).

Therefore, it’s easier to think of Google Ads as having three networks (even though that’s not technically correct):

  1. The search network (text ads, call only ads and shopping ads on
  2. The display network (display ads)
  3. YouTube (video ads) (technically part of the search network).

Q: What’s the best way to get started in video advertising without spending a fortune?

A: Currenlty, one of the best ways to start with YouTube Video Advertising is to use the “Multiply” method mastered by e-specialista.

This consists of using your existing video content (or you can always make new content) and using a low cost , high yield “Test and Discovery” phase, from where the data is mined to then create an “Optimise” and “Multiply” campaign.  This will ensure  Reliable and Regular results.